Monday, July 25, 2011


When you're unemployed, time has no meaning. You have nothing to do and nowhere to be. People with jobs hate Mondays because they kick off the work week, requiring them to be at a specific place at a specific time ready to do a specific thing. People without jobs hate Mondays because they serve as a reminder of what their lives were like when they were functioning members of society. This is why once a week I will explore one of the benefits of unemployment in a segment called "Case of the Mondays".

What time did you go to bed last night? I fell asleep at around 3. Why did I do this? There are 3 reasons:
  1. Because there was a My Strange Addiction marathon on TLC
  2. Because I have a crippling fear of the mice that live in the apartment I'm staying in, making me afraid to close my eyes (and afraid to open them. Like that girl in the Blair Witch Project).
When you have no demands on your time, it doesn't matter how much sleep you got last night. Every hour of the day has the potential to be nap o'clock. People with careers spend the hours of 9-5 working. To the unemployed, that's just an 8 hour window of possible nap times. And when it's not nap o'clock? It's snack o'clock.

The unemployed may not have careers. They may not have money.  They may not have hope. But they DO have the freedom to curl up on the couch with a box of Sea Creature Cheese Crackers* and pass out whenever they please. And I, for one, wouldn't trade that freedom for anything in the world**.

* like Goldfish, but for poor people
**except for  a career, money, hope, or an actual reason to be awake during the day.

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