Wednesday, May 11, 2011


When you're unemployed, you don't spend your days flying first class up in the sky, popping champagne and living your life in the fast lane. This doesn't mean you cannot be glamorous.

The answer is simple: don't tell people you don't have a job. Tell people you are an artist. Suddenly, you will no longer be a disgusting bum who is in no way qualified to contribute to the real world. You will be sexy, interesting, and oh-so-bohemian. It's not that you're too lazy to find a job- it's that you don't want to sell out. It's not that nobody wants to hire you- it's that nobody appreciates your brilliance. Drink cheap vodka, smoke cigarettes, hang out in coffee bars, and wear black all the time. Dudes- grow out your hair. Ladies- chop it all off. .

Too broke to buy art supplies? Become a poet. Words are free.

Either way, you are no longer a loser. You are deep. You are special. You are the flossy flossy. You are going to get laid constantly.

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