Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Here are three more chapters of Jack Bullet.

In case you missed it, here's the origin of Jack Bullet, and here's the first part of Jack's story.

You're welcome.


JACK BULLET’S OBJECTIVE: Take down the FUGMO that murdered Dragon McCool.

In a silent, fluid motion, he leapt off the barstool towards the door. His hands were shaking slightly- not in fear, but anticipation. Bullet could not wait for his fists and the killer’s face to be joined in a holy matrimony of justice.

He exited the bar. The killer was opening her car door.

Bullet was 50 feet away from her. He only slightly raised his voice to say “Stop.”

He was not visibly armed. She had no reason to listen. Still, she fell victim to his naturally commanding voice and paused, turning to look at him and raising an unplucked eyebrow.

Quickly catching herself, she jumped into her car, slamming the door. Bullet’s car was on the opposite side of the lot.

“Bitch wants a car chase.” He thought. “I’ll give Bitch a car chase.”

As he ran to his car, she started her engine. Suddenly, there was a deafening explosion- Bullet turned to see the hose beast’s car engulfed in flames.

It was obvious that she killed Dragon… but who killed her?

There were sirens in the distance. Someone at the bar must have called the police.

Jack Bullet was not about to stick around for questioning.

Jack Bullet vanished into the night, searching for answers.


VIVIAN STONE was a CIA operative. She was also the head of intel for AMMO, the agency McCool worked for, the agency that occasionally paid Bullet for his services. If anyone knew who was gunning for Bullet and McCool, it would be her.

Jack got to her house at around 3:00 am. The lights were on, and she opened the door for Jack almost the second he reached the top of the stairs.

This was not the first time Jack had paid a late night visit to Vivian, although it was usually under much happier circumstances.

“I thought you might be paying me a visit.”

“You heard about McCool?”

“Got a message two minutes ago. Got out of bed one minute ago. Heard you walking up my steps before even getting a chance to put pants on. Sorry if I’m kind of out of it.”

As she was saying this, she was brewing a pot of coffee and pulling up McCool’s file on her computer. Even forced out of bed by unexpected and terrible news, Vivian Stone was more together than most people at their best. And Jack couldn’t help but notice what a stunner she was- she had the legs of a runway model, the tits of a Playmate, and the ass of the hottest Kardashian. Also, her face was nice.

“Alright Bullet. Tell me everything you know.”

Jack told her about the ratchet-faced bartender, the poisoned tequila, and the car bomb.

“Hm.” She said. “So you don’t know for sure that your drink was 


She continued, “Let’s say for the sake of argument that it wasn’t. It’s possible that her plan was to kill McCool and then kill herself.”

Jack’s eyes widened slightly-

“I know,” she said “It’s unlikely. We just need to weigh every possible option. But if I were to guess, I’d say her mission was to kill the two of you. When she realized she failed, she probably knew she couldn’t take you on her own and decided to bolt, not knowing her car was rigged. Somebody probably hired her to take the two of you out, and killed her to sort of… clean up after themselves.”

“So who do you think it was? Who’d want the two of us dead?”

She burst out laughing. Again Jack’s eyes widened-

“I’m sorry. It’s just- who wouldn’t?” she composed herself, and fixed her green eyes on him.

“Jack. You kill people. It’s what you do, and you do it all the time. Are you really surprised somebody’s trying to kill you?”

“I’m surprised somebody thinks they can kill me.”

“Well they killed Dragon.” Jack’s fists clenched. She paused before continuing, “Whoever it is, they’re dangerous. God, for even trying to fuck with you, they’ve got to be out of their mind.”

She ran her fingers through her thick, blonde hair. “My team is scanning the place for DNA, prints, anything they can find. For now, I can look into old cases you guys worked on together, come up with some suspects. You should probably keep a low profile.”

“A low profile?”

“Yeah. Just… don’t go out, guns blazing. I know that’s kind of your thing, but…” she looked up at him “maybe just stay here for awhile.”

“Here?” he met her gaze.

She bit her lip.


Again, you're welcome.

Fun fact: I google image searched "Badass Eagle" and that was the second result. 

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